Oscillating Dyeing Machine

OSCILLATING DYEING MACHINE-is a model best suitable to use in the lab during the test on soap washing, bleach fastness and numeral temperature dyeing. Solvent such as neutralized salt soda, etc can be added in easily during the heating process Reasonable price and high efficiency are not only practical but also the most activist machine for lab dyeing

OSCI COLOR is most suitable for the following

1.  Atmospheric dyeing
2.  Burn-outs (Pe/Cotton) in warm sulfuric acid
3.  Fixing and/or soaping tests
4.  Scouring and/or bleaching tests

•  Maximum Temperature: 100˚C 
•  Liquor Ratio: about 1:10 or above 
•  Application:

   250cc flask
   250cc conical flask
   450cc flask 

•  No. of pot positions. 12 (other No. are available on request) 
•  Heating Source: Electric Heater 4 KW 
•  Vari Speed Control: 5O-2OO oscillations/min